3378 Park Street in Town Center

The Museum is a co-operative effort of the City of Grove City and the Southwest Franklin County Historical Society. It has thousands of artifacts and displays that are showcased on a rotation basis. There’s something new to discover at the museum at all times. The featured item is a 1912 Model T Ford. Trips to the museum can be an educational experience for adults as well as school age children. Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you visit. 

Museum Hours

Sunday, Monday, Closed
Tuesday – Friday, 10 am – 4 pm
Saturday – 9am – Noon

See an assortment of oil lamps, dial and crank telephones, crocks, a working loom, an ice box, and a large selection of items used in an early kitchen. Learn the history of police and fire operations, Grove City’s racing history, period clothing, and a wide selection of Grove City class graduation photographs. Can you identify a flat iron? We’ll be glad to show you one and explain what it is and how it’s used.


The museum also maintains a file on hundreds of family names. Visitors are encouraged to include and share their family history in the Museum’s genealogy archives where future generations can search. Copies of documents can be made for a cost of 20 cents per item.

Current Exhibit

Explore the history of buttons through the museum’s collection of antique clothing on display now through the end of May.